给所有Raffles Online 学生的好消息!
感谢您一直以来的支持,我们在这个12月以低于成本的价格为您提供ACCA 课程.
In appreciation of your continued support, we are offering you the ACCA courses at below cost for the month of Dec 22.
想要享有50% 的折扣,请在报名课程时填入以下信息:
To enjoy 50% discount on all ACCA courses, please key in the following information during your course registration:
Enter a promo code: RafflesStudents
Add a note: 告诉我们你想要开始学习ACCA课程的首选日期
更多课程详情, 请浏览: https://www.rafflesrole.com/acca-courses-chinese
仅限2022年12月, 现在就预定你的课程!
