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Your next job starts with LCCI

Pearson LCCI international qualifications are recognised by employers, universities and professional bodies worldwide.


Pearson LCCI International Qualifications are available across a wide range of business related areas and may be taken as single subjects or as diplomas. 

Raffles Online Education, the leading online learning provider in Singapore, offering students all they need to confidently obtain their Pearson LCCI certificate and diploma - highly experienced teachers, exam-based study materials, flexible learning arrangement, and much more, all designed with the students in mind. 

for classes conducted in English, please click here


Pearson LCCI国际资格证书广泛地获得全球雇主,大学和专业机构的认可.

Pearson LCCI国际资格证书涵盖很多商业领域,你可以选择学习单门课程或大专文凭课程.

莱佛士在线教育, 新加坡领先的网络教育平台,为学生提供考取Pearson LCCI证书和大专文凭所需的一切: 经验丰富的老师,以考试为基础的学习材料,灵活的学习安排等等,把学生的需要放在第一位.


Elementary Bookkeeping 会计基础

Your journey to a successful career in finance starts here!


The result from this quiz can determine your proficiency level and can help choose the best level to start with.

(For Students Only)

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